I've decided to post once a month. This past month I've taken a new direction. I have long been trying to figure out what to do with my music. It's something inside me that I have always had to do and will just keep doing. I have to write and I have to perform and I want to improve. But I don't intend to make a living off music. You have to be great; better than great. I'm good at writing, good at performing, but not great. And I am old :)
I was inspired at Summer Jam West by Michael Azcon's story. He is an entertainment lawyer. As a kid he loved music, but he was not a good singer or musician and couldn't write, but he knew he had to be involved with music. He found out that there was a profession in the industry for lawyers, so he became an entertainment lawyer working with artists in that capacity.
So what can I do? Well, Nancy and I have seen some performers and songwriters that have potential. We have also met some very nice people. These people need to come together and help each other and take their songs, their recordings, and their performances to the next level. Perhaps a group might be formed that would have never met otherwise. I know for me that I can only get so far by myself. So our goal is to organize one concert a month to showcase performers and bring people together. We can all work on more than one project; help each other with writing, recording, etc.
I've sent invites to a lot of area musicians on Reverb Nation and had a fairly good response of about 30% joining up and interested. Are next show is again at the Larsen's big backyard this Friday 9/24. We've lined up Half Cowboy, Randy Moser, Austin Jones, Sons of Other Mothers, and me. I had hoped that Tim Pearce, Whitney Blaine, and JC Cody might do a few tunes and I could opt out if needed. But they have other commitments.
I've also been working on some older songs and one new one so I can play some fresh material this week. I will also be recording these in the basement in a live acoustic format before the performance. Hopefully I'll be happy enough with these to put them on the site. I will be pulling off some of the songs on the Reverb Nation site and putting up some new ones to keep it fresh.